Saturday, 27 July 2024

After Admission

If you get admitted to one of our programs you will receive a Letter of Admission.

This document will be available in the Dream Apply Application System.


In order to ensure your safe arrival and a smooth adaption to your new environment, we recommend you to check our Welcome Package for useful information on visa, transfer to Szeged, arrangement of temporary and final accommodation, order of textbooks etc. The link to the Welcome Package is going to be indicated in your Letter of Admission.


Documents to be submitted after admission


You can reserve your place by

1. Accepting the place in the Dream Apply System

2. Paying the first semester tuition fee

Detailed information is indicated in your Letter of Admission.

3. Mailing the hard copies of your application documents (uploaded to Dream Apply) and the following medical documents until the deadline indicated in the Letter of Admission

Health Declaration official form is available here

The following three serological tests for Hepatitis B:

1. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) blood test (paper-based result)

2. Hepatitis-B surface antibody blood test (anti-HBs; ≥10 mIU /ml is acceptable if under 10 mIU/ml a booster shot is needed) (paper-based result)

3. Hepatitis-B core antibody (anti-HBc) blood test (paper-based result)

Hepatitis B vaccination (3 shots required) proved by the copy of the Vaccination Card

Hepatitis C blood test (paper-based result)

HIV blood test (paper-based result)

Laboratory evidence of measles immunity (presence of measles IgG antibody in blood) In lack of immunity one shot of MMR vaccine is needed (copy of the vaccination certificate must be attached)

Copy of your Vaccination Card or Immunization Record (incl. childhood vaccinations) issued by your GP

Chest X-ray (CD/X-ray is NOT required. Paper-based result is needed)

Paper based result of BLOOD test (glucose; liver function: AST, ALT, GGT, ALP, bilirubin; renal function: creatinine, BUN; complete blood count with differential) and URINEANALYSIS result

Due to data protection reasons the above medical documents should be submitted after admission in a closed envelope. Please indicate your legal name, Dream Apply ID (4 digit number) and the name of the program (MED, DENT, PHARM, NURSE, PHYSIO, FY) on the envelope. Medical documents will be evaluated by the occupational physician of foreign students and should not be uploaded to Dream Apply.

The above listed medical documents must be in English language with the date of the examination displayed, stamped and signed by the physician who issued them. Failing to submit the required medical documents you might be banned from registration.

Please note that medical tests have to be taken after January 1st, 2022.


Mailing address:

University of Szeged, Faculty of Pharmacy, Registrar’s Office:

Zrínyi u. 9., 6720 Szeged, Hungary


Student Visa

It is highly recommended to contact the Embassy of Hungary in your country before you make any travel arrangements.


Visa free entry

On the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( you can find a list of those countries whose citizens are exempted from the visa obligation if they are travelling to Hungary and hold a valid travel document entitling them to visa-free travel. However, three-five days after entering the country, they need to contact the Immigration Office in Szeged and apply for their residence permit. Furthermore, it is recommended to ask the Hungarian Embassy for confirmation of the information posted on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at


Student Visa required

Students from outside of the Schengen Treaty Area have to hand in their visa application to their local Hungarian Embassy or Consulate. Please note that the period of the Student Visa procedure takes a minimum of 30 calendar days. In order to start the procedure of applying for the Student Visa, the Embassy concerned requires the student to submit valid passport . Three-five days after entering Hungary, students need to contact the Immigration Office in Szeged Hungary and apply for their residence permit. For details regarding the visa application and downloading the application form please visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at


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