Szegedi Tudományegyetem  Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik


Research & Research Groups

Research - TEAM #1

Research topic: Development of solid dosage forms


1. Systems administered through the oral administration route:

- Development of ODT, FDDT preparations

- Formulation of medicated chewing gum tablets

- Formulation of bioadhesive films

- Preparation of matrix-type systems (granulates, tablets)

- Preparation of matrix-type multiparticulate systems with extrudation/spheronization

- Preparation of delayed and sustained release system (tablets, capsules)

- Film coating (perforated coating pan, fluidization)

- Formulation of multilayered and mini-tablets

- Formulation of pellets with different technologies (CF granulator, high shear granulator, extrudation-spheronization, melt granulation)

- Formulation of coated multiparticulate systems with layering technology

- Paediatric preparations (e.g. SIP technology)

2. Implantation systems:

- extrudates, pellets, tablets, degradable and non-degradable matrix systems

3. Use of protein-type materials in solid dosage forms

4. Use of nanostructured materials in solid dosage forms

- Processing of titanium nanotube systems

- Processing of other types of nanoproducts produced by others into solid dosage forms


Preparation of solid dosage forms and performing the related physical-chemical and biopharmaceutical examinations:

- physical-chemical (surface free energy, FTIR, NIR, RAMAN, SEM, XRD, PALS, MicroCT) and thermoanalytical investigations (DSC, TG-MS, kinetic evaluations)

- “QbD”, factorial and neuron network design


Team leader:

Dr. habil. Géza Regdon jr. PhD, associate professor



Dr. Tamás Sovány PhD, assistant lecturer

Dr. Katalin Kristó PhD, assistant lecturer

Dr. Diána Hegyesi, PhD student

Dr. Mihály Gottnek, PhD student

Dr. Ildikó Oláh, PhD student




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