Szegedi Tudományegyetem  Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik


Staff  --  Staff - details

Dr. Géza Regdon Jr. Ph.D.

Dr. Géza Regdon Jr. Ph.D.

associate professor


Address: 6720 Szeged, Eötvös u. 6

Telephone: 36-62-545-574, 36-62-545-576

Fax: 36-62-545-571


Skype: regdon.geza



Date and place of birth: 1959, Szeged


Qualifications, academic degrees

pharmacist diploma, Medical University of Szeged (SZOTE), 1982

university doctorate, Medical University of Szeged (SZOTE), 1984

specialist pharmacist (pharmaceutical technology), 1986

Ph.D. degree, Semmelweis Medical University, 1996

Habilitation, University of Szeged (SZTE), 2004


Places of work, post

1982 - 1984 teaching assistant, SZOTE, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

1984 - 1988 institute pharmacist, Pharmacy of SZOTE

1988 - 1992 assistant lecturer, SZOTE, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

1993 - 2005 assistant professor, SZTE, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Since 1st July, 2005 associate professor, SZTE, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Since 1st September, 2010 vice head of department, associate professor, SZTE, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology



Teaching activity, assignments and functions in higher education

Holding lectures, seminars and practices in pharmaceutical technology for third-year and fourth-year students

Responsible for Prescription Pharmacy practice (1993 – 2012)

In the 5th year lecturer responsible for Computerized Administration in Pharmacies since 1994, for the main lecture courses entitled Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology since 1999 and Computerized Dosage form Planning since from 2005 to 2010

Supervision of student research (15 persons) and diploma work (5 persons)

Holding lectures and performing tutorial tasks in specialist education, responsible for specialist education in the department since 2008

Lecturer in pharmacist further education (SZTE, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Phoenix Pharma Ltd., Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society, etc.)

As part of training pharmacy assistants, responsible for the subject Informatics in Pharmacies, holding lectures and drug preparation practices in the subject Pharmaceutical Technology, examiner at the Final Examination Practice (1998-2002, 2007-2009), examiner in the theoretical part of the Final Examination (2010-2013)

Founding member of the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Pharmacy of SZTE (2000)

Regular member of the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Pharmacy of SZTE (since 2010)

Member of the Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy since 1997

Member of the Special Jury at the Mátyás Rozsnyai Memorial Competition (Szeged, 2000., Lillafüred, 2004., Pécs, 2010, Szeged, 2011)

Member of the Jury in the Medical Section of the 26th National Student Research Conference (Debrecen, 2003)

Member of the Jury at the University Student Research Conference (Szeged, 2005, Szeged, 2007, Szeged, 2009)

Examiner in the practical part of the Final Examination (2006-2012)

Examiner in the theoretical part of the Final Examination (since 2013)



Students with outstanding achievements

Ildikó Bácskay (1991) Student Research Conference (Szeged) 1st place (Formulation and in vitro study of diazepam containing rectal suppositories), special prize at the National Student Research Conference (Szeged, 1991), in 1993 she obtained her university doctorate, at present she is an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of the University of Debrecen


Szilvia Berkó (1997) Student Research Conference (Szeged), (Formulation and in vitro study of ethacrynic acid containing rectal suppositories), in 2002 she obtained a Ph.D. degree, at present she works as an assistant lecturer in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of SZTE


Mónika Németh (2003) Student Research Conference (Szeged) 2nd place (Formulation and investigation of Metolose free films), she was awarded the Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary in the academic year 2003/2004


Anikó Radócz (2006) Student Research Conference ( Szeged), special prize (Thermoanalytical investigations based on experiment design)


Barbara Zsellér (2006) Student Research Conference (Szeged), special prize (Physical-chemical investigation of methylcellulose containing free films)


Krisztina Nikowitz (2009) Student Research Conference (Szeged), 3rd place (Preparation and investigation of diltiazem hydrochlrode containing coated multiparticle systems)


Mihály Gottnek (2010) Student Research Conference (Szeged), 3rd place (Preparation and physical-chemical investigation of mucoadhesive films to be applied on the oral mucosa) 


Diána Hegyesi (2010) Student Research Conference (Szeged), special prize (Preparation and investigation of free films from polymer forming a permeable coat)


Diána Hegyesi Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary 2010/2011 (Szeged)


Mihály Gottnek (2011) Student Research Conference (Szeged), 2nd place (Formulation and physical-chemical description of bioadhesive films adhering to the oral mucosa)


Diána Hegyesi (2011) Student Research Conference (Szeged), special prize (Formulation and investigation of ethylcellulose containing free films)


Mihály Gottnek (2011) György Kedvessy Award, student prize (Szeged)




Research activity

Study of the gel formation of semi-synthetic cellulose derivatives. Examination of the conductivity of electrode gels.

Formulation of rectal and vaginal preparations with up-to-date auxiliary materials, optimization of their drug release (head of the research team for rectal and vaginal dosage forms between 1995-2002).

Preparation and evaluation of film-coated dosage forms and free films. Thermoanalytical examination of active ingredients, auxiliary materials and free films (DSC, MTDSC, TG, TG-MS). Theoretical and experimental examination of factors influencing film-forming (temperature, plasticizers, type and quantity of polymers, etc.)

Coating of multiparticle systems prepared in a fluidizing apparatus, examination of the parameters influencing coating efficiency. Identifying the role of factors and the optimal formulation conditions with factorial design. Examination of the surface properties and yield characteristics of the coated particles. Release studies with single- and multi-layer coats. Member of the research team for solid dosage form since 2002, leader of the research team since 2013.




Publication activity

101 publications, 61 of them in international journals

25 publications as first author

24 publications as last author

314 independent references

46 independent citations of the most often cited paper

171 independent citations of the publications from the past 10 years

65.156 is the cumulative impact factor

52.822 is the cumulative impact factor of the publications from the past 10 years

11 is the Hirsch index

32 lecture abstracts (full abstract, proceeding)

69 lecture abstracts (short)

90 lectures at national and international scientific events (37 oral lectures, 7 of which as an invited lecturer, 53 posters)

3 innovations

4 industrial research-development projects - participation

2 books

6 book chapters

6 university hand-out



Supervision of Ph.D. thesis

Szilvia Berkó: Formulation of rectal suppositories containing diuretic drugs and their biopharmaceutical studies, Ph.D. thesis (2002)



Role in scientific associations and professional organizations

Member of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society since 1982 (until present)

Member of the Hungarian Chamber of Pharmacists 1989 - 2008

Member of the Governing Body of the Section of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society since 1996 (until present)

Member of the Supervisory Board of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society, 1996 - 2004

Member of APGI (Association de Pharmacie Galenique Industrielle) in 1998

Secretary of the Professional College of Medicine Supply and Pharmacy 2004 - 2009

Secretary of the Section of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society 2005 - 2009

Secretary of the Committee on Education of the Faculty of Pharmacy of SZTE, 1997 - 2000

Member of the Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy of SZTE since 1997 (until present)

Member of the Rector’s Committee on Education of SZTE, 1997 - 2000

Member of the National Governing Body of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society 2000 - 2008

Member of the Csongrád County Governing Body of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society, 2000 - 2004

Secretary of the Drug Supply Pharmaceutical Professional College, 2004 - 2009

Chairman of the Accreditation Committee of the Faculty of Pharmacy of SZTE 2005 - 2012

Secretary of the Thermoanalytical Section of the Hungarian Chemical Society, since 2006 (until present)

Vice-chairman of the Section of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society, since 2009 (until present)

Member of the Drug Supply Pharmaceutical Section of the Professional College of Health, since 2011 (until present)



Reviewer activity

STP Pharma Sciences

International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Thermochimica Acta

Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy

Family Practice

Orvostudományi Értesítő



Research scholarships

Martin Luther University, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Halle/Saale (28th June – 7th July, 1989)

DAAD research scholarship, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich (10 months) (1991-1992)

János Bolyai research scholarship (BO/00488/99) (1999-2002)

Martin Luther University, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Halle/Saale (30th September – 21st October, 2001) (Hungarian-German TéT)

University of Ljubljana, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Ljubljana (20th – 27th October, 2002) (CEEPUS)

50th International Eudragit Workshop, Röhm GmbH, Darmstadt (21st22nd February, 2006)

Pavia 22nd-25th March, 2006 (ERASMUS)

Heinrich-Heine Universität Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, Düsseldorf, (6th–16th September, 2006) (ERASMUS)

Heinrich-Heine Universität Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, Düsseldorf, (2nd–13th July, 2007) (DAAD)

Heinrich-Heine Universität Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, Düsseldorf, (22nd June–5th July, 2008) (DAAD)

Austrian-Hungarian Action Foundation (OMAA) research scholarship (University of Innsbruck, Institute of Pharmacy - Pharmaceutical Technology) 7th September–6th October, 2009)

Heinrich-Heine Universität Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, Düsseldorf, (28th June–10th July, 2010) (DAAD)

Heinrich-Heine Universität Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, Düsseldorf, (3rd–16th July, 2011) (DAAD)

Innojet Herbert Hüttlin, Steinen, Germany, 17th–21st April, 2011



National and international projects


Project leading

AMFK 91/92: " Formulation of rectal and vaginal dosage forms and the introduction of their up-to-date examination methods into education and research" (1993-1995)

SZOTE 26-4/1995. TKT.: Improvement of the teaching conditions of the new subject "Computerized Administration in Pharmacies" and creating the conditions for its testing in the final examination by developing the computer network of the university (1995)

AMFK 210/95: Creating the conditions for testing the new subject "Computerized Administration in Pharmacies" in the final examination (1995-1996)

OTKA T 033054 "Study of the relationship between disintegration and drug release and validation of the process of disintegration " (2000-2002)

Gábor Baross program: Acquisition of rolling-layered pan coating equipment for scale-up of coating to realise industrial developments” (2009-2010)



Hungarian-German TéT Cooperation D-11/99: "Study of the compressibility of pellets and film-coated pellets." (Project leader: dr. Klára Hódi, 2000-2002)

Hungarian-Slovenian TéT Cooperation Slo-3/01: "Extension of preformulation studies during dosage form formulation." (Project leader: dr. István Erős, 2002-2003)

OTKA T 043025 "Role of environmental parameters in the formulation and stability of solid dosage forms." (Project leader: dr. Klára Hódi, 2003-2005)

Hungarian-German DAAD 15/2007: „Investigation of interactions between polymer films, additives and cores” (Project leader: dr. Klára Hódi, 2007-2008)

Hungarian-German DAAD 50430305: „ Solid dosage forms: from micro-scale to mini-scale” (Project leader: dr. Klára Hódi, 2010-2011)

Hungarian-Slovenian TéT Cooperation SI-17/2009: "Development of modern solid drug delivery systems based on mathematical modelling of compression process" (Project leader: dr. Klára Hódi, 2010-2011)

TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0012 project „Broadening the knowledge base and supporting the long term professional sustainability of the Research University Centre of Excellence at the University of Szeged by ensuring the rising generation of excellent scientists.” (Project leader: dr. Judit Hohmann, 2011-2013)

TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0047 project New functional material and their biological and environmental answers. Sub-topic: Biological and environmental responses. Task: Controlled and targeted release nanostructures(Project leader: dr. Zoltán Kónya, Task leader: dr. Géza Regdon, 2012-2014)




Higher Education Prize for excellent studies (1981)

NIVO prize at the National Student Research Conference (1981)

Higher Education Prize for excellent studies (1982)

Prize awarded by the Academic Committee of Szeged (1983, 1984)

'Lajos Dávid' prize (1987)

Certificate for project leading in student research (1988, 2005)

Rector’s praise for project leading in student research (1990)


Publication list - 2013 (link)




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